Therapy Dog Service

Beau the Therapy Dog

At Your Service

At Tubman Funeral Homes we offer a unique service to our families to support them with their loss, Beau the Therapy Dog. Beau meets and assists families at the funeral services for their loved ones. He is a calm and comfortable presence who provides stress relief to families. He is drawn to people that he feels needs it the most. 

— He is a calm and comfortable presence who provides stress relief to families.

Humble Beginnings

Beau at his graduation ceremony

Beau's training started with puppy classes at PetSmart where he graduated beginner, intermediate and advanced programs. During his training, he was on staff at Tubman funeral homes. 

Valued Volunteer

Beau hard at work

Beau also volunteers his time with visits to students at Algonquin College.

He also visits Ruddy Shenkman Hospice and Maycourt Hospice's day hospice program where the residents love to pet him and feed him treats.

Book Beau

To book Beau’s services please contact the following:

For Funeral Services

Stephanie Joly-Paquette 

Tubman Funeral Director


Follow Beau and his adventures on Instagram : beau_theaussiedoodle

P.S. Beau's favourite snacks are carrots!

Beau and Stephanie

Beau with our funeral director Stephanie.

Beau being tired after submitting reports
Beau being a sweetheart
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